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CEO Steven Din bids farewell to KCM and Zambia

June 26, 2018

Mr. Steven Din left Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) on Friday, 22nd June 2018, after more than four years at the helm of the company. A dinner was hosted in his honour at the Nchanga Directors’ Lodge attended by government officials, KCM employees, community leaders, suppliers and other key stakeholders.

Kitwe District Commissioner Binwell Mpundu, who represented the Copperbelt Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe at the farewell dinner, described Mr Din as a ‘true friend of the people of Zambia, ’who contributed significantly to the growth of KCM and the upliftment of communities around KCM areas of operation.’

Other notable dignitaries at the farewell event were the mayors of Chingola and Chililabombwe, Titus Tembo and Christabel Mulala, respectively, Chamber of Mines of Zambia president Nathan Chishimba and his CEO Sokwani Chilembo, KCM Board Director representing the ZCCM Investment Holdings, Wilphred Katoto, and several executives of other companies. KCM Executive Committee (ExCo) officials and many KCM employees were also in attendance.

Mr Mpundu said: “As government we are glad with the contribution that Mr Din has made to KCM and this country. I know that he raised the bar for safety of employees at KCM to another level and he was very keen in nurturing young talent in the company. Mr Din also contributed in a big way to CSR programmes such as promoting good education and health and providing clean water to communities around Chingola.”

The District Commissioner was referring to Mr Din’s relentless approach to safety and KCM’s expansive CSR programmes, which includes the provision of clean water to over 8,000 Chingola residents through solar-powered boreholes, and the award of education scholarships to young Zambians.

Mr Din, who is KCM’s longest serving CEO, described his stint at KCM and his stay in Zambia as a ‘wonderful experience’, saying: “I leave with a lot of fond memories from this beautiful country and its people.”

Mr Din commented that, “Over the last four years we have exhibited teamwork to get ourselves into a better place at KCM. Last year on June 17, we embarked on a journey to produce 12,500 tonnes of integrated copper every month, equivalent to 400 tonnes of copper every day. We are on our way to transforming this company, as evidenced in the daily production increase, which now averages 358 tonnes of copper.”

“I see that KCM’s future is bright. We have worked very hard together to create stability and bring the company to where it is today,” Mr Din said.

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Media Contacts

Konkola Copper Mines plc
Stand M/1408, Fern Avenue
Chingola, Zambia