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KCM launches Chingilila Schools Safety Awareness Programme

August 10, 2017

Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) plc. has launched the Chingilila Schools Safety Awareness Programme in schools to sensitise students on the importance of safety.

Representing KCM CEO Steven Din, KCM Group Manager for Safety, Felix Sikaonga, said instilling safety awareness in children at an early stage is of utmost importance to creating a safe and healthy society.

Mr. Sikaonga said the introduction of the Chingilila Safety Awareness Programme in KCM schools is inculcating safety consciousness in children at a tender age.

He said the programme aims at ensuring safety, health and welfare for those at work as well as protecting the students against risks to safety and health.
“Safety and health are of paramount importance in schools because we want children to grow into responsible individuals who are safety conscious. We want to make sure that students are aware and know what to do when faced with a safety risk,” Mr. Sikaonga emphasised.

“If something looks unusual or something seems out of place, they will be able to notify someone,” he explained.
Mr. Sikaonga said the initiative will, among other things, highlight issues on road safety, hygiene and first aid; things that can be adopted as part of the school curriculum in the long term.
Mr. Sikaonga said KCM’s desire is to provide an environment not only ideal for learning, but one which is safer for all.

He said KCM will extend the programme to government schools to encourage students to develop a sense of personal responsibility for their own health and safety.
Principal KCM Trust Schools Mabvuto Ng’ona said his team is happy that a child-centred safety schools programme of national character was launched.

“The theme ‘active learning and participation’ means that our children can now own the process of preventing potential hazards in schools and beyond,” Mr Ng’ona said.

And Nchanga Trust School Parent Teachers Association (PTA) Chairperson Godfrey Bulaya said most accidents happen because of lack of awareness, adding that education is the first measure to inculcating safety in people and hailed KCM for the initiative.

He said the introduction of the school safety awareness programme is a positive chapter in the operations of the school.

“As a PTA we really appreciate the initiative and will support KCM in this noble cause to extend safety to schools,” he added.

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Konkola Copper Mines plc
Stand M/1408, Fern Avenue
Chingola, Zambia