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KCM toasts Zambian Day with Independence struggle veterans

October 26, 2017

Konkola Copper Mines plc (KCM) on 20th October staged an event in Lusaka to celebrate Zambia’s 53rd independence anniversary. The guest of Honour, Vice President Inonge Wina, was represented by the Hon. Minister of Works and Supply, Matthew Nkhuwa. In attendance was the Minister of Labour and Social Security, Hon. Joyce Nonde Simukoko, Copperbelt Minister Hon. Bowman Lusambo, senior government officials and parliamentarians, industry executives and diplomats.

A distinguished group of veterans, Mama Chibesa Kankasa, Mr. Sikota Wina, and Mr. George Chewe, were also in attendance and gave personal accounts of their role in securing Zambia’s independence.

Addressing the audience of nearly 200 people, KCM’s CEO, Steven Din, said: ‘’At KCM, we have been building up to this occasion – the 53rd Anniversary of Independence. We often draw parallels between Zambia’s journey since independence and our own journey. Indeed, the history of Zambia cannot be told without reference to the Copperbelt and the role that our industry has played in nation building.’’

In her address, delivered on her behalf by the Honourable Matthew Nkhuwa, the Minister Works and Supply, Vice President Inonge Wina said: ‘’I should like to congratulate KCM for marking this anniversary and staging this event, but I would be remiss if I didn’t first start by thanking those of you who devoted yourselves 53 years ago to securing our independence. We will forever be indebted to you and to your families. I salute you.’’

Her honour the vice president continued by saying; ‘’The values and sacrifices that our freedom fighters showed are the very same values that will enable us to transform Zambia into a middle-income nation – a nation that is growing and leaving no-one behind. Having inherited a politically sovereign nation, our duty now must be to deliver equality of opportunity for all Zambians. This generation and the next should be free to pursue their ambitions and reach their potential.’’

Madam Vice President went on to say; ‘’The contribution of our mining sector to Zambia’s economy is well documented. Equally important, and sometimes overlooked, are the investments that mining companies such as Konkola Copper Mines make in the areas of health, education, skills development and sport. Zambia’s mining industry serves as a vital partner to government in helping to uplift many Zambian communities.  I firmly believe that the industry has an integral role to play as partners to government in realizing many of the goals we have set out in the 7NDP. My government welcomes the opportunity to establish still more partnerships with companies like KCM, to cater for the needs of our growing population. Partnerships in the spheres of skills development and training, housing and education, sport and welfare. Working together, in collaboration, we can achieve more.’’

In his concluding remarks, KCM CEO Steven Din paid tribute to Zambia’s freedom fighters and thanked Her Honour the Vice President for her gracious remarks, while also focusing on the future and the important role of partnerships for KCM’s business.

‘’At KCM, we have a 50-year vision for our business and opportunities on the Copperbelt. We want to see the Copperbelt grow into a diversified and resilient economic hub.  Only in partnership – with our communities, with our host government, with world class technical providers, contractors and local suppliers – can we realise this vision and make a real and lasting contribution to Zambian society.’’

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Konkola Copper Mines plc
Stand M/1408, Fern Avenue
Chingola, Zambia