Occupational Health


Konkola Copper Mines plc aims to be a world leading copper and cobalt producer. It is our objective to provide attractive returns to our shareholders in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.

Konkola Copper Mines will uphold the values of good corporate citizenship and seek to contribute to the wider economic, social and environmental well being of Zambia.

We are committed to the principles of sustainable development – for us it means “development that meets the need of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” It is fundamental for the development of the company and the community that the tenets of sustainable development and occupational health are upheld.

This policy addresses the core challenges of safety, health and the environment that we face as part of global business.

*”Our common Future” Brundtland
Report 1987

In order to give practical expression to our vision and to measure our progress, we have the following aims:


Occupational Health


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Safety Management Systems RAMP

The objective of the Safety Management System is to eliminate fatalities and Lost Time Injuries.

SHEQ Policy

Konkola Copper Mines plc aims to be a world-leading producer and supplier of Copper and the by-products; Cobalt alloy and Sulphuric acid,